About the Project

The Strengthening Capacity for ICT Usage and Policy Reforms for Relevant and Quality master’s Research Process Management in Uganda’s HEIs Project (ICT-4MRPQ) is project funded by the European Union. It is aimed at strengthening Uganda’s Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) capacity to use ICT in Masters’ research journey quality management processes and devise Policy reforms for relevant high-quality research outputs. The project is implemented through 5 Universities (3 from Uganda – MUBS, MAK & MUST; 1 Portugal – ULisboa; 1 Netherlands – VU, Amsterdam). Uganda HEIs counterparts will benefit from demonstrated increased knowledge, mobility & adoption of new technologies while the European partners will benefit from knowledge and internationalization. At least 700 staff and 1,500 students inter-connected on a NCHE approved Research E-Supervision Platform; 800 masters students conduct their timely research; 500 supervisors & 100 administrative staff improve their work efficiency and interaction with students; 300 internal and 200 external examiners conduct timely assessment of research reports and viva-voce; NCHE with moderate level of interest will enhance capacity and accreditation; 2 employers (Kyazze, Kankaka & Co. Advocates & UCCSRI Ltd) will upgrade their sustainable development data tracking skills.

Key Outputs

(1) A revised national master research policy framework; (2) NCHE approved Masters’ research E-Supervision Platform. (3) A Mobile App. connecting the participating universities.

Short Term Results

Timely graduation of students; Reduced supervision inconsistencies; Relevant research outputs & Reliable student research assessment processes.

Long Term Results

Enhanced research capacity; Increased stock of relevant & high-quality research; Employable graduates


Project Contacts / Project Coordinator

Address: Makerere University Business School (MUBS)

Plot 21A, PortBell Road, Kampala Uganda

Tel: +256 702 972532

Email: dkatamba@mubs.ac.ug | dkatamba@uccsri.com

Website: https://ict-4mrpq.uccsri.com/